Action Jackson Book

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The Book's Inspiration

I didn’t know the Baldwin’s well, but I knew of them through their work with the Foundation. Staci approached me at a LHS basketball game, and started the conversation by saying, “God had laid something heavy on my heart.” I knew instantly, whatever it was she wanted, the answer was going to be yes. Staci knew asking me to write a children’s book for the foundation would be a large undertaking, but it was an opportunity to help others that I couldn’t turn down.

The idea for the book came quickly, but I never expected what an emotional rollercoaster it would be. As a mom, of two healthy children, it’s terrifying for me to think of what Scott and Staci went through. Jackson’s cancer and treatments are more than any parent should have to endure. In the end, Scott and Staci realized their greatest fear, losing Jackson.

The purpose of Action Jackson is to give parents a tool, to help their child navigate with the feelings of worry, loneliness, sadness, guilt, and anger that come with being sick.

—Sara Roy

Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
-Matthew 6:34

About The Author & Illustrator

I was born and raised in Wenatchee Washington. Graduated from Washington State University with a bachelor’s degree in Kinesiology. I currently reside in Lewiston, Idaho with my husband Dean; son, Colt; and daughter, Laney. I am blessed to be a stay-at-home mom which allows me time to pursue interests such as writing and illustrating children’s books.

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For every book sold, Sara will donate a $1 back to the Foundation